Carpe Diem.......Sieze the Day

After I had a cup of delicious coffee this morning, I decided to lay on my yoga mat and stretch out my aching body.  I felt like the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz.  With no slots to squeak oil into, I did the only thing I know what to do for this aging, fifty-something, non-so-perfect, body.  I stretched.

Brewing Coffee (from Derek Wolfe)
Pour Over (from Heidi)
Coffee Mug (from Elizabeth)

I opened the slats on the shades in my small apartment and felt the sun rise on my face as it got warmer.  "No place to go, nothing to do…"  I could hear Kathy Jungas, in my head, at her Bridge to Wellness Yoga Center, in St. Ignace, preparing her students at her yoga class.  She talks her students into being relaxed and mindful, staying in---the now.

My Yoga Mat in the sun

I spent the day at my daughter's, yesterday.  (My next blogpost will be titled: Yard Sale in Ann Arbor) She had a yard sale in preparation for her move to Germany.  It wasn't as easy as just being there, yesterday.  She had to do the hard work to organize her belongings into categories, "Things I will keep",  "Things I want to keep", "Things I will give away",  "Things I will sell at the yard sale" and "HELP!  This is painful!"

I'm not talking about unused journals and coffee cups (although she had one or two coffee cups she wanted to keep), I'm talking about her favorite Digimon characters, Anime books, Nintendo Magazines, CD collection, Vinyls, hats, belts, jewelry, clothes, Pokeman Cards and even some shoes!  She did end up giving as much away to her friends, as she sold at her yard sale.  She couldn't bear to part with everything to strangers.  Somehow she felt better knowing her favorites would end up in compassionate hands.

I had a few reminiscing pangs myself.  The moment I sold her porcupine needle earrings.  When I gave away her penguin and puppy dog to a set of 2 year-old twins, shopping at Heidi's sale.  When her electric guitar walked off on the back of a young man.  The books, music, CDs.  The red dress she wore at her U of M Senior Recital.  The Manga books, the blue and yellow Flounder bank (from the Little Mermaid), the book Heidi, by Johanna Spyri, items from our travels….

The Book I Couldn't Let Her Sell

Other Items I Confiscated From the Sale
After moving and downsizing, myself, when I left Gaylord, it was easier to feel warm about Heidi moving.  Watching her let go of things made me feel good for her.  She'll be flying to Germany on Thursday and none of those items will matter.  She will be looking ahead and will have a lighter load.  Her transition will be easier.

I imagine Heidi Traveling on a Bike in Germany

I'm excited for her.  She will fly into Berlin and begin a new phase of her life.  She will be mastering a new language, studying for new classes, meeting new people and managing the food choices in a new country.  She's adept at handling failure and success, that's what keeps me from worrying about her. She knows how to connect to people.  I admit, as a mom, I hope for smooth sailing.  Realistically, I know it will be hard work for her.  But, she loves challenge.  And tomorrow is her birthday.

Heidi as a Child, Seizing the Day
Her voice teacher at U of M, Prof. Steven West, has advised her "Carpe Diem" -  "Seize the Day!". Good advice for a young woman with so many gifts and such a big heart.  Good advice for anyone.

The song, "Part of Your World",  from The Little Mermaid  
 Sure sounds like a great song for Heidi to re-visit before her moving adventure!


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