You step off a plane and fall.
Death wants its piece of you.

But, death doesn't know a stranger will appear,
do CPR, bring you back.
To keep you from "Death's Door".

Family stand by you.
To be by your side,
Voices with their soothing,
their loving.
Life through them,
touching you.

Death comes in its mask
by digging a hole for us.
Love doesn't disguise itself.                                                
It shines with clarity and healing.    


Your breath embraces life.
To crawl out of the hole of death.
Knowing family is there to reach out for you,
and pull you out.

I wrote this poem because my thoughts have been with Elizabeth and the DeLuca family.  It's tough to sit by a loved one's bedside, not knowing what the outcome will be.  Knowing the only moment is the present, is hard to focus on.  Elizabeth said the doctors are optimistic about her Dad's recovery.  I'm proud of her quick response to return from Turkey to be close to her father.  Love is amazing medicine.


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