Fourth With Family

I haven't posted in awhile.  I traveled north, to the upper peninsula of Michigan, to be with my family.  I'm sitting on a gray, picnic table, facing water, sand, trees, a fire pit, a pile of firewood, and a misty, hazy sky. There is a soft breeze making just enough wake to create a sweet lapping sound against the shore.  The mosquitoes haven't found me yet.  Or they're waiting for more bodies to make it worth their blood-sucking efforts to congregate.  

I'm staying in a "bunk-house". Like it sounds, there are bunks in it.  There is a bathroom with a shower, but the rest is minimal.  There are rafters with a high ceiling and when I open the screen door it's usually covered with mayflies hanging out on the screen.  There are some large black ants on the crude floor, now and then.  I have them under control, now that I realize a few of their entry places, and have sprayed Clorax cleaner along the edges I've seen them coming through. (It's what I have available)

I have a cooler and get ice each day for it, since I don't have a refrigerator or stove.  It works and I don't have to go to the DeSelms and Wolfs for items I can just grab from my cooler.   They have cabins with the refrigerators and stoves.  Their cabins are right next to mine.  We're staying on Brevort Lake.  It's west of St. Ignace.  I think it's officially Moran, Michigan.  My sister, Kathy and her husband, Pete, live on the same lake. (about 1/2 mile from us)

It has been a peaceful respite here.  I love kids and my niece, Jacqueline, has her two children here in the cabin next-door.  They are 2 and 4 years old and they are a riot.  The two-year old is in motion non-stop and the four-year old questions everything.  His questions are deep and often don't have answers.  He's a thinker.  I love to see the world from their eyes.  It's precious and I'm grateful to be a part of their day-to-day life while I'm here.  It's a joy to watch Jacqueline and Derek parent them.  They're natural nurturers and let the children explore and be inquistitive. 

Family Gathering at Pete and Kathy's

My brother, Jim and sister-in-law, Carol, lost her mother just a couple of days ago.  Life doesn't wait for holidays or vacations to be over when it makes it mark on us.  Carol's family is hosting our family reunion at their beach.  They still want us to gather for our reunion as family.  As Carol and her mother, Norma, say, "Life goes on." 

She won't be with us but her smile won't be forgotten.  I remember her telling me she use to play with bats under her porch when she was a young girl.  If that doesn't give you a sense to her personality, nothing will.  She was tough and knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid of going against the grain to be who she was.

 It's a difficult thing to do.  I am still working on my strength to do just that.  To be who I am and not what my "thoughts" tell me I should be.  It's tricky and there isn't a lot of social support for going against the grain.  But, when it comes to lying on your death-bed, there must be a satisfaction of knowing your life was lived as you saw fit.  And a bit of humor in your last breath when you say, "Good luck with your journey, hope you don't waste too much time on pleasing everyone else instead of yourself."  Her husband, Leroy, and her,  would have been married 59 years this summer.  He will be missing he,r as will her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.     

It's Fourth of July.  I will end this post, get to a place where there is internet so I can post my "Stain-glass-eye perspective, and join my family in making memories and reminiscing about the old ones. There's food to taste, sweets to dive into and bug spray to take turns sharing  I'm predicting laughter, love and homemade fun. 

Happy 4th. 

Brevort Lake Togetherness


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