!/2 Birthday in Petoskey, Michigan

Downtown Petoskey

I made a trip to Pellston this morning for the early flight departure from Pellston.  My sister, Jeannie, was leaving for Tennesse after vacationing in Michigan awhile.  We arrived at the small town airport at 5:30 a.m. By the time I got to Petoskey, (after dropping Jeannie off for her flight) the only thing I could find open, for a nice cup of coffee, was the Big Boy.  Now, I sit in my favorite coffee shop, in Petoskey, after taking a walk and getting some exercise and pictures.

Coffee Stop in Petoskey

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It is cool, stormy and VERY Northern Michigan.  The wind was even giving me a few goose-bumps as I drove across the Mackinac Bridge.  The wind made theTrailblazer feel like a little kite when it caught the sides of the vehicle.  The same stormy wind that was pushing the whitecaps against the St. Ignace shore.   

While I was walking, I thought of all my favorite places in Petoskey.  I thought I'd share with my readers some of my favorite places. 

Walk Area Down by the Bay and Marina

Pier Looking Through Clock Tower by the Bay

I love to walk down by the marina.  It's wide open, with nice walk-spaces.  Very beautiful to see.  I like to see sailboats docked at the marina, the pier, the small benches and decorated areas.  It's a pleasant place to relax.  I didn't have to worry about too many people.   The early hour only had walkers and exercisers out.  At about 8 a.m. I saw people starting to head for work.  Their lunch boxes handy for a full day.

Large Clock Tower Down by the Bay

Another favorite of mine is the "Downtown" area.  There are many cool shops to "window" shop.  The hardware store can take an hour or so to get through.  It's full of many unusual items. 

Hardware Store on Mainstreet

  I like the Gaelic shop , too.  Nice collection of items from Ireland.  Today it had a big harp in the window.

Gaelic Shop in Petoskey

I'm fascinated by the concept of Labriniths, so I took a picture of the small one they have at the public library here in Petoskey.

    The Stanford Hotel is a good place to stop for something to eat or drink.  The spacious, large porch overlooks the Little Taverse Bay.  It feels elegant to sit and relax there.  (and it doesn't cost $20 to be allowed to sit on the porch like it does on the Grand Hotel porch, on Mackinac Island)

Stanford Hotel

Petoskey was named after Chief Ignatius Petosega.  It surprises me when Native Americans are given credit for any town founding.   It's good to see, in a well-established town like Petoskey. 

Statue of Chief Petosega, Overlooking the Bay

You can see the large cloud formations in the pictures I took this morning.  It's cool and overcast.  My eyes are getting rest from the sunshine.  I didn't need a rest from Jeannie.  I enjoyed being around her for a week or so. The "Laughing Medicine" will do me good.


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