

"Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it." - Buddha .

Heidi hit the mark.  Her performance was captivating, her voice was heaven to the ears, her presence on stage was "her".  She became her character and made it real.  She didn't come across as a puppet playing a part, she was the part.  Cherubino.

Family and friends hit the mark.  They showed, they cheered, they laughed, and were present.  Witnessing Heidi's debut was an honor and privilege to strangers and loved ones alike. 

I saw clearly through to the moment.  No stain-glass eyes. I was present without expectations or blurred vision.   Times like these are ones that become etched with diamond clarity.  

Brava, Heidi. 

You drew your sword.  Stood strong in your stance.  Engaged the audience.   Then expertly struck the heart.



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