Effortless Myself-Hood

I am bulging, distended box.
Spilling out from myself,
unable to hold wisdom,                                                 
            to sift through
            to distinguish
            to taste, smell, hear, feel or see
          or control the flow of entrails before me,
          spilling myself-hood.


I am an empty box gaping wide,
unable to hold or spill,
            be stolen from
            be destroyed
            be damaged
            be valued
         or be covered, suffocating from nothingness.

I choose to be a box with passion. 
Emptying and filling, 
with infinite capacity,
Letting myself 
            be loved
            be satiated
            be weak with hunger
            be bruised and broken
            be whole and healed
          and live endlessly, effortless - me.



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