The Good With the Bad

Mary, Helping Me Hang Clothes Out

I've been awhile in posting my blog.  My computer went on the blink and took some time to resolve.  Actually, some things will never be resolved, like the panic and dread I feel when I let myself think about my pictures, music and documents not being retrieved without huge expense.  My brother, Tim, convinced me to either use "Cloud" or an external drive to save my things.  That was about a month ago.  Thanks, Tim.  I had the plan, I just didn't put it into action!

Confucious said, "By three methods we may learn wisdom:  First, by reflection, which is the noblest; Second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and Third by experience, which is the bitterest."

My computer was repaired under warranty, with no cost to me.  Apple replaced the hard drive and my computer is as good as new. (they even cleaned the keyboard and the screen)  

I didn't quit writing.  It's a part of my life.  I've been studying, reading, taking notes and writing in my journal, during my computer troubles.  Writing helps slow me down and helps my mind from getting overwhelmed.  There's something about a pen writing on paper that seems to bring order to my thinking.  It helps my mind remember what I've been tossing around.  I don't always resolve things, but they seem clearer.

My sister, Mary, was here in Ann Arbor, visiting.  I loved sharing my new apartment, my rookie knowledge about the city, and her company.  When I'd tell people where she was from, I could see their minds trying to picture the Michigan "Mitten".  Where does Iron Mountain fit?  I never have the heart to tell them, "There's an upper peninsula to Michigan, too".  If they don't know by now, it's hard to explain.

I've been happy about the early spring here.  The heat, sunshine, apple blossoms, flowers and lilacs have helped keep my spirits up.  But, I have four mosquito bites that are driving me crazy.  I have to take the good with the bad.  Early bugs and pollen come with early spring.  At least in the U.P. you can see (and hear) the mosquitoes coming, they're so big and travel in packs.  Here, they are city savvy.  They don't give you a chance to catch them on your arm and smack them.  I didn't hear one buzz from them, either.  

Memorial Day weekend.  I hope family time and relaxation is on the top of your list.




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