Dear Timothy,

Wounds Bound in Blue
Punctured But NOT Defeated

May 27, 2013

Dear Brother, Timothy,

You stood up to the dragon.  I am so proud of you and am awe-struck.

You brought your drill, cool level, and your box of tools ready to fight.
But, as we all know, the dragon's power does not allow us to prepare
for the ultimate battle.

I'm glad we started the challenge with the stain-glass window, I made in
Tennessee.  You didn't hesitate to climb over my balancing rock formations,
use my little apartment step-stool, and lean on the windows ledge to get
exact measurements for the job.  You weren't intimidated by the hooks I had 
in my tool box, even if they were inadequate.  Who would have guessed, the
wire supply I had, wouldn't hold up to the task.  

I admired your style of combining the true measurement with "Eyeing it".
You've personally perfected it.  The patience you exhibited while waiting for
the little bubble in the level was mastery!  I had already said, "Good enough"
twice and you stealthily waited. With one foot on the window ledge and one foot
on the step-ladder you stood like a statue, until it succumbed to your dominance, 
submissively balancing from each hook by the wire.

Of course, we both know the moment of your heroism.  The battle was
what we considered won, when the dragon struck with it's vengeance and violence.
Unexpectantly, it catapulted the oak-framed stain-glass (using gravity as it's power),
and struck your weakest, most vulnerable spot.  Shamelessly lancing you on your 
unsuspecting foot, which was precariously balancing on the window ledge. 

Who would think the dragon had sabotaged our weapons 
and weakened the wire?  It was compromised enough to cause it to break, at a time when 
we thought we had defeated the stain-glass window. 

Silently, you stepped down from the ledge and courageously walked away from
the enemy.  The dragon was totally hoodwinked into thinking he had missed his target.
No scream, swearwords or moan escaped your mouth.  

But, the blood and damage was horrendous.  I admire your ability to accept nursing
from Lady Susan, in spite of her over-handling the toes to dab at the pulsating blood source.
I heard not one single curse from your mouth.  Astounding.  Really, Brother.

I was happy to escort you to the medical site in order for you to get a shot in the
buttocks and have your wound tended to properly.  I'm sorry you weren't able to 
show the nurse any secret tattoos, as she administered the shot, but your pride 
remained in tack.  I will always cherish that memory.  You are brave and humble.

Until you recover, I will ready for the next battle.  I will restock my ammunition and
keep it safe from tampering, until we join forces again.  Thank you for your courage
in the face of defeat.  You were truly never defeated.  It was just the opposite of the
"Luck of the Irish".  It was "Murphy's Law"  that hampered our success.

I fear during your toe's recovery and your time in Troy to restore your strength (and your toe),
the dragon will ultimately strengthen his forces.  He won't just have the stain-glass window, 
he'll have pictures, mirrors, clocks and other enemies to hang in the apartment.  

I have complete confidence in your recovery and determination to march into battle again.

With Confidence and Admiration,
Your Sister,

Lady Susan, Her Eager Hands Ready to Assist

The Pain, The Blood, The Hero


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