A Beehive Existence

Main Street, Ann Arbor

Everyone wants a little space.
A little place,
of their own.

Each of us needs a little fort,
to resort,
to escaping.

Outside Rundown Apartment 

All humans require,
and desire,
some peace.

Be it a tranquil cave,
we crave,

A Tranquil Porch Swing in the Shade

A child will explode,
with overload,
of attention.

My Great-Niece, Escaping to the Pots and Pans

Adults secretly dream,
of a quiet stream,
to withdraw.

Small Garden Plot Alongside Porch in Ann Arbor

A few plants in a box,
no clocks,
for awhile.

Miller Street Square Plot of Edibles

A closed door,
just to restore,
our sanity.

Then we maintain,
and regain,
our beehive existence.


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