Shedding or Jumping

Wish I Could Include the Fragrance With This Photo

Spring was in the streets today.  All the senses were being explored.  I can't say anyone announced it was "Spring Day", but it was being unofficially celebrated.  It made it a stronger participation without being official.  Everyone I saw had their own way of declaring their hold onto the new season.  Some with their clothes, some with their activities, some just by being outside and not inside their four walls, looking out.

Holding Hands and New Plant

Outside Cafes, Socially Celebrating Spring


Safely Crossing Streets of Ann Arbor

I sit in Mighty Good Coffee.  My pussy willows, I purchased at the Farmer's Market, sitting on the red table, and a good, strong cup of coffee.

Young Customer at Mighty Good Sporting Color

I feel bad for the students studying by the window.  They look out now and then, like they want to jump off the lily pad.  They don't dare for fear of being swallowed up by the trout of SPRING.  They'd never be the same and would never be able to get back on the pad without considerable effort. 

Posture of Studying on a Sunny Day

I see what appears to be a professor, sitting adjacent to me, correcting papers.  She keeps scratching her forehead.  Now, she's resting in her left hand and rubbing behind her ear. (I wonder if that will help the paper she's grading become any more interesting to her)  She's put down her pencil and is flipping through a few pages at a time.  I would guess she's not going to waste her time being specific on an awfully done paper.  (must have been written by one of the jumpers who took to the trout's mouth) 

Professor Left Her Table Hoping Someone Will Steal Her Papers!

Flowers are blooming and the sun makes them feel brighter.  Makes me feel brighter.  I'm content to be one of the human race, participating in this spring ritual of shedding clothes, shedding schedules and joining in the celebration.

Flower Seller at Market-Reading and Holding Her Coke

Flowers at Farmers Market

Wolf-Man Violinist  -  Serenading Shoppers at Market

 Jacket Shedded on Fifth Street


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