Painting on Ugly Meter Box |
When I was listening to the radio, I heard a young woman talk about putting up posters and visuals to inspire people. She chooses depressing, run-down, and colorless areas. Living areas where many people see nothing to spark a smile or a positive thought.
At first I thought, "How does a young woman come up with something like that to have as her goal and contribution to society?" It seemed outlandish for someone to devote their time to something with so little feedback. How will she know if anyone is affected in any way? How will she decide where, what and how to place these posters?
Peace Sign With Lights, Behind Large Electrical Wires
Neighborhood "Hop-Scotch" on Sidewalk (Gave me Warm Memories) |
As I look around, while I walk, I've developed a different perspective when noticing things.
The small blue, purple, yellow flowers coming up in yards. Daffodils surrounding the pond by the music department (on campus) Ornate fences, goofy mailboxes, interesting bumper stickers, license plates, and lawn ornaments.
I realize visuals are a natural way to inspire. When I saw an enormous, billowing flag at half-mast yesterday, I was inspired. I was touched. It didn't speak to me, direct attention to itself, or anything. The symbol with the placement at half-mast and the wind making it move took my breath away.
Inspirationally Decorated Bicycle
If only one person is touched, one hope is renewed, one sadness or loneliness is encouraged by a visual gestures, it has contributed to society. That one person walks lighter, greets others kinder, lives longer, and passes their inspiration in some way to another human. Whether it is a smile, an opening of a door, a "Good Morning", it
is transferred.
Lawn Structure With Pink Dress Hanging Inside
Year-Round Lights on Small Tree |
This young woman doesn't need to get feedback. She has faith in what she is doing. She doesn't have to label it, justify it, become richer from it, or receive an award for her actions. I would guess, there was a time in her life
she was saved by an inspiration she saw. It may have turned her life in another direction, stiffened her resolve to do what is right and not lose faith in humankind.
Intricately Detailed House |
Purple Majesty |
Gracious Green |
So, even it could be two words on a dusty car someone has written with their finger, "Wash Me". It could be a glued-down quarter on a floor. It might be small lights on a tree, twinkling late at night. If we notice them and smile, if we take that smile and pass it on, the world will be a healthier place.
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