Unexpected Visitor

I've moved in!  That's not to say I have everything unpacked.  You can tell by the pictures.  You can see how I tried very hard NOT to get my junk in the pictures. 

Kitchen With View of Snowy Branches

Yesterday, as I was unpacking, I noticed I had a surprise visitor.  Gaylord Weather.  It followed me here.  It just packed up its "snow-belt", heavy, white stuff and decided to pack some cold winds in the small pockets, too.  It continued snowing and snowing.  At times, it was an inch an hour.   

This morning, the weight of snow is covering everything.  I can hear the sound of snowplows, apartment dwellers spinning their tires.  They're trying to get out of the snow without shoveling around the encased wheels.  Encased car, actually.  I cleaned my car off just to be outside in the fresh air.  I have a trick I use with the brush side of my scraper.  If the snow is wet and snowball-worthy, I wash my car with the brush.  The snow sticks to the brush and it absorbs the dirt on the car like a sponge.  I just bang the snow off on the tires when I need a new sponge of snow to clean with.  Then, as the snow melts off the roof, it drips extra water over the car giving it a rinse.  It works!  

Gaylord in Ann Arbor?  Uninvited Guest

I thought I might take pictures of the snow this morning, but have to get more boxes unpacked.  I'm using internet at the leasing office of my apartment until AT&T hooks up my wireless.  It thought it was pretty funny this morning, when "Sam", the internet man, was describing three options for T.V. & internet.  I had questions along the way and heard him say, "Speed" in one of his packages.  I thought, "Mmmm....speed is everything".  When really, initially, I was thinking, "Mmmmm...cheapest price is everything."

Coffee Mug Borrowed
from Kristine at Leasing Office
Personal Touch

I went for speed.  I will have to take grande mochas off my weekly list.  It will save some money, especially when I can't not give the barista a tip.  I think of Heidi every time I get a specialized coffee.  She works at Mighty Good Coffee.  It's not an easy job and I'm a soft touch for young people working hard to make a living.  If you've ever waited table, you know what I mean.  Tips are essential.  

I Iost my driver's license. I made a trip to the Secretary of State to get a new one.  I figure I'll find it, but moving is like socks that get lost in the wash.  They disappear.  Fortunately, I've been living out of suitcases for the last nine months.  It has forced me into being disciplined.  I make sure I know where my computer, cell phone, camera, glasses, pillow, medicine, and purse is.  Along with the necessary cords for charging.  It makes me smile to think I actually used the old statement to myself mom used on me when I was a kid, "It didn't just grow legs and walk away."  The nuns use to tell us, "Pray to St. Anthony, he will find it for you."  I didn't pray for the lost license.  Maybe that's why it didn't show itself. 

Delicate Tiles in the Bathroom

I was expecting to pay over $50 for the new license.  It was only $9.  That included putting, "Organ donor", my new address and a new picture.  It also included getting my voter registration completed.  I was amazed.  It was a bargain.  

Coved Ceilings and Rounded Arches

Back to work.


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