Isabelle's Foot

Isabelle's Feet- "Priceless"

I wrote last about how I've struggled and won countless battles over the value of things.  I included a picture of my great-niece, Isabelle's foot and labeled it "Priceless".  I couldn't write about value, without including choices we make every day concerning our spirituality, family, friendship, community and time.  So, when I included my list of questions, I was thinking about those things, too.  Not only which piece of furniture to hang on to, which hundreds of pieces of clothing to donate to charity, or which tools to send to auction.  But, more importantly, where I'll live, which community will I become a part of, what purpose will I fill...

I'm not saying material choices aren't trying.  Leaving my piano behind was a huge decision.  I even felt ill.  It was painful.  Those types of choices are hard.  But, they aren't the most meaningful, life-transforming choices I have to make.  Each time I make them they just allow me more freedom and practical space to make the important decisions. 

It isn't necessary to keep the protective cocoon I need to shed.  The fears, doubts, double-guessing, regrets and reluctance to alter my life suffocate me.  They have a way of keeping me curled up.  Not a good state to be in.  I want to strengthen, lengthen, and develop into a new stage of my life.  Too many possessions make me feel confined, closed in.  

Uncle Floyd's Graveside Ceremony
Trumpet Set Down After Playing, "Taps"

My cocoon is crumbling with each stage of opening up to the possibilities ahead.  I'm getting stronger.  Each setback gives me another chance to strengthen and to ready myself.   Each setback also gives me a chance to reflect and wait for answers I don't have.  The answers come, I have faith.  

Hagia Sophia, (Ayasofya) Istanbul, Turkey
Mosaic Preserved Inside the Dome

I know what is priceless.  My faith, my family, my friends and my time.  "Priceless".  I will always mark them "Fragile".  They will always need extra bubble wrap.  I will handle them myself.  I won't give anyone the responsibility for them but me.  They'll be the first things I unpack.  I'll make sure they're handled with care. 

Time to go to Bentley's Restaurant in St. Ignace, Michigan


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