Turning the Tables

Summer in northern Michigan.

Dripping with sweat, waiting tables and smiling at tourists.
Waiting until until I get off work to jump in the lake.
Wondering if my work schedule compares to my friends' so we can plan a trip to the Sand Dunes.
Checking if my uniform is washed and on the clothesline, drying for tomorrow.
Wondering how anyone can be retired with so much time on their hands.
Pitying them because they are too old to ever have any fun.

I'm dripping with sweat,
Can jump in the lake when I like.
Don't care about schedules.
Don't need someone to hold my hand to go out to the Sand Dunes.
Don't need a uniform and I wear what is comfortable.
Retired with plenty of time that flies by.
I'll never be too old to have fun.

Summer in northern Michigan.


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