Family Reunion

"Ney" reunion on Phil Howdyshell's property in Ithaca
It's Saturday.  A day in July.  Perfect as it will get for a family reunion.  I sit drinking coffee and eating a bagel early this morning, while it's still sixty-two degrees.  I started thinking of all the Americans who will reunite with their families today.

They'll wake up, maybe pack up their coolers, take one extra long look in the mirror.  Preparing to see relatives they may not have seen for years, or saw last July.

Like a powwow.  A gathering for music, laughter, hugs and excess consumption of the best recipes.  All shared on the big table.

Mom, Carol, Jim and I will drive to Ithaca to meet family for the "Ney" reunion. Jim and Carol's daughter, Caitlin, will come with a friend from Lansing.   Ney is Mom's "maiden" name.  Mom's family lived in an rural area called Lakefield, on a farm, where she grew up. There were thirteen children in the Ney family. Some of the reunions have quite a large showing and others will be quieter (with about 25 people), like today.

I look forward to seeing the family and watching the family traits first hand.  The tip of the head, the smile, the posture with one arm up holding the other while one hand is on the chin.  The laugh, from the heart, with a slight bend of the head back.  The true eye-to-eye contact and show of personal attention when talking to each other.

Safe travels, America.  May you find a new friend in your blood-line and hug an old one.  I plan on doing the same.  And I don't mind saying I will enjoy some Howdyshell's home-made ice cream,  and of course some of Carol Cronan's home-made chocolate topping!

Small town America-Reed City.  Mom and I stopped in this small town to have lunch on the way to Grand Rapids.
Found out later it was the town Jim and Carol were married in 35 years ago.


  1. What a wonderful view of the day and the big picture of other Americans reuniting. What a wonderful blog. I so look forward to your musings.

  2. Wonderful blog and view of reunions both personal and America wide. I look forward to more insights.


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