Edttengk.....can't help myself...

Editing can be addicting.  So, before I head out to find a place to sit and have a coffee and soup, I have to fix a few errors.  I finally got some help in figuring out WHY the poem I wrote a few weeks ago didn't have to spaces in-between the lines where I wanted them.   Heidi helped me.  She suggested I look to see if i had it under html instead of compose----which I did.  Thanks, Goo.

Tomorrow I go with a friend, Birim, to a place (don't remember the name because I can't visualize the Turkish words unless someone writes them down for me-good excuse, eh?) where there are more than 10 million tulips.  Now is tulip time.  Flowers have a way of making me smile (quite universal I think).  With my new computer I ought to be able to get some pictures on my blog soon.  But, remember, even the pictures I take will be seen through...
Stain-glass eyes.

Oh, tomorrow is a national holiday here-NO SCHOOL!!  I'm including the national anthem for you to see on youtube.  I'm trying to learn it.


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