Thank You Letter

Dear Atlanta Community,

I'm writing via e-mail from Istanbul, Turkey. I am living here now, but haven't forgotten where my heart has been for so many years, working in the Atlanta Community School. I've had a letter ready to send to the Tribune for more than a month. I was struggling with ending my long-standing relationship with you. (this sounds like a 'Dear John' letter) Now I feel it's more of a thank you, not a goodbye.

When I made this difficult, unexpected decision to retire I had so little time to say goodbye. In reflection, I can see it was my denial of really leaving Atlanta for good. My escape from processing this huge decision was to focus on my resignation, all the retirement paperwork, classroom plan preparations and making the most of teaching my students in the few days I had left. Saying goodbye to those little faces was not an easy task.

You have supported me, questioned me, educated me, and given me the huge family of children I call “Mine”. You shared your most precious possession with me. To someone who doesn't know me very well, this must sound a little sappy. But, if you do know me, you know I believe children to be our greatest asset.

When many of my former students from the 80's and 90's grew up and became parents, I was given the chance over and over again to be a part of a bigger extended family. This second generation trusted and supported me even more in my role as a teacher than their parents did. No one ever reminded me of my failures (or maybe I wasn't listening). This has been a strong bond for me. It has been a big responsibility but a wonderful career for me. I'm thankful.

Thank you for everything. I have to thank the community of Atlanta, because so many people have been involved in giving me a life of teaching I will always remember. Thank you for letting my students visit the bank, post office, Montmorency County Tribune, the supermarket, J.D.s, the DNR office, the courthouse, the Christmas Tree Lightings, the old schoolhouse at the fairgrounds, the public library, the fire-station, and the buck pole on main street.

Thank you parents for forgiving my faults, for reminding me of things, for editing my letters home, for your trust, and your patience. Thank you for keeping your mind open to my ideas and for your constructive criticism. Thank you for all the hours you volunteered to help in the classroom and at home making things for the classroom or for music programs.

Thank you for the hugs, smiles, flowers, cookies, gifts, junk for projects, and for letting me do my job and still be a part of your family.

I'm sorry I missed the farewell on my last days of school. It was sweet of those who planned it and those who came. I love the journal with the notes from everyone. The gifts and cards I will always cherish. So many tears were shed reading them. I'm glad I was able to read them privately. Thank you to all the people who said, “You CAN'T leave!” You were right. I could never leave a big part of my life, I have taken it with me.

Yours Truly,


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