Adjusting to What Is Can Be Satisfying
Better one good thing that is, rather than two things that were, or three things that might never come to pass. Irish Proverb I saw this Irish proverb this morning I want to share with my readers. Wow…its simplicity spoke to me! “Better one good thing that is…”. Since this virus-crisis has been circling I’ve worked diligently to reign in time/space from what I once had, to limits. I’m living with what works around an ever-looming virus. I know present time is what I make choices about. I learned years ago holidays and events on a calendar aren’t something I need to adjust my life around. When my children became adults I realized I would see them when I see them. If plans are made and evaporate, then we all adjust and make what we can of the time. What I mean when I said holidays and events aren’t important is - I think they are reminders on the calendar of time together and sharing, but not as important as keeping thin...