We Can Make Change - Never too Old to Be Young

January can be a difficult month for me. The minimum amount of sunlight is a factor. Another part is having my birthday right after the holidays. To celebrate my birthday sometimes feels like it’s just a comma rather than an exclamation point. And my late husband and I were married on my birthday, which gives the date less of a bounce, now he’s gone. When 2020 hit and my birthday came, the attention and surprises I received warmed my heart (and shattered my resolve to hate my birthday). It didn’t matter the sky was gray. It didn’t matter it rained instead of snowed. The significance was the display of love I received. Whether love was wrapped up in a gift for me. Or sent by text. Regardless if it was a card I got in the mail. What mattered most was I felt loved. Sounds simple. But it was very powerful. I share my birthday month with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It’s a holiday I look forward to after my birthday. I fee...