"Nice" Might Not Be Appreciated, Better to Be Genuine!
After traveling through the north-western part of the upper peninsula, in Michigan, (I’m referring to the Keweenaw peninsula) I have had to self-correct my knowledge about being a Yooper. I thought I knew. Blue Bridge Connecting Houghton and Hancock The Houghton-Hancock area has been hit hard with some fierce, financial burden. The water damage from heavy rainfalls in May forced many roads to be closed off. The repairs don’t look simple to me, they’re huge sink holes and can’t just be filled, they have to be built back up from the bottom of the holes. The road crews I’ve seen are hustling to get the roads passible and safe. I didn’t feel limited in travel from these diversions. The detours and refiguring the lanes to go around the holes made for smooth travel. The hilly area is already a challenge with the one-ways, sharp curves downtown and narrow roads. Add the construction, closed roads ...