Lost and More Lost

De Gaulle Airport, Paris, France Before I stepped into Prague, about two weeks ago, I had a plan. I’d get a bus to the city centre and follow the directions to the Bread and Breakfast place I reserved ahead. My flight from the U.S. had more turbulence than I like, but I landed and found the bus I needed to head for the center of Prague. I should mention I arrived a day late! I missed my connecting flight in France and scheduled a flight for the next day. I left Michigan in a blustery storm as did many from other states. The flights were not on time so connections were virtually impossible. But, talking to the ticket agent at Air France (who was flying for Delta) she emphatically assured me I had “Plenty” of time and should have been able to get my connecting flight! (so I paid for a night in Hotel Ibex, next to the terminal) I was at the terminal (Charles de Gaulle Airport) by five the following morning to get m...