Am I a Yooper?

I don’t live in St. Ignace. It’s my hometown. But….it’s not my home. I haven’t lived there since I graduated from high school, in 1975. I’m more of a visitor. St. Ignace-When There Was a Local Theater Many years of my adult life, I lived in Gaylord, Michigan. But, I never felt I was “From” there. I felt like it was where my children grew up. It was their “Hometown”, not mine. Sometimes I still consider myself a Yooper. (a person from the U.P.) A term of almost mythical qualities. I was raised in a small town in the Upper Peninsula, a subculture far, far from any sizeable city. I identify with the colloquial language I learned to speak as a child. My illusion of being a Yooper, explains a sample-piece of who I believe I am. I really don’t need to reference being a Yooper for someone to understand who I am, do I? What does it really say about me? I’m much m...